Thursday, January 22, 2009

52 Weeks...for when 365 Days looks just too tiring.

I have this hope that if I start writing shorter entries here I might actually post more often. Part of my new attitude toward blogging is purely a matter of self-preservation. You see, I recently discovered why my nice, gentle heating pad, set on low to softly warm my disks much like the mother hen ever so carefully incubates her fragile eggs, would randomly turn into a blistering, sweat-producing, skin-gripping red-hot-stove-burner slapped against my already tormented spine.

Apparently due to some kind of bizarre electrical anomaly, if my computer (or cel phone charger, for that matter) is plugged into the same circuit as my heating pad and turned on, I end up with the flames of hell strapped to my back. Therefore, in an effort to avoid completely destroying the lovely Edward Gorey tattoo on my back, I now must work on my computer in (relatively) short bursts throughout the day, relying upon battery power.

This kind of fits with my theme for the year. Theme may not be the right word...maybe mantra? Focus. Or better yet, "One thing at a time." Having a brain doused in OCD, this is one of the hardest things for me to do. I have spent my entire life piggybacking simultaneous thoughts one atop the other in fear that I will let my guard down and somehow cause the Earth to fall out of orbit. I know I get more things done (and done better) when I focus. I know my stress level goes down when I only do one thing at a time, and when my stress level goes down, so does my pain to some extent (and I'll take any reduction I can get.) As a Zen Buddhist, I have spent countless hours (hey, ten minutes-es add up) in practice, training my mind to do this--yet, it rarely lasts because that creeping fear of not having a hook in every pond (forgive me fish, for the un-vegan metaphor ;)). Well, I'm taking this flesh-cooking coinicidence as a sign that I need to try again.
But none of that has anything to do with the title of this post. What I'd like to draw your attention to is a fun little project on one of my fellow Fiskateers' blogs. If you're on pretty much any papercrafting message board, you've probably heard about the crazy blackfridayish lunacy surrounding Becky Higgins' 365 Kit (I must note here, fearing raising my friend Jen K's ire, that this is not Ms. Higgins' idea, just her kit. You can read in the post before this one about my prior attempt at 365ing and it certainly wasn't new then either.) Well, whether you just can't get enough year-round projects, or 365 is just too darn many entries to deal with, take a look at Debby's Blog. Once a week she will be posting a question/page theme so that at the end of the year you have a fun little scrapbook cataloging your thoughts on a variety of subjects. Do other people also do this kind of thing, sure. But Debby's always got fun challenge ideas and she even holds a weekly drawing among the participants for nifty goodies. One more reason to visit her blog on a weekly basis? She also participates in Fiskars Friday, posting a new Fiska-centric project every week if you're into that kind of thing.

So, enough for today. My battery wanes and I need to head over to the rescue account to see who wants to adopt some spiny mice.

1 comment:

D's Paper Studio said...

I am overwhelmed with your generous words and thoughts. Thank you so much.